
掲載日:2018.02.27 ニュース

「The 1st NanoLSI International Symposium – Towards Establishment of New Research Field: Nanoprobe Life Science-」を開催


Session1 Visualizing structures and dynamics of biological systems

  • High-resolution & 3D atomic force microscopy for visualizing nanobiointerfaces
    福間 剛士教授(NanoLSI)
  • High-speed atomic force microscopy: Visualizing protein molecules in action
    安藤 敏夫教授(NanoLSI)
  • Nanopipette biosensors for single-cell analysis
    Yuri E. Korchev教授(Imperial College London, NanoLSI)

福間 剛士教授

安藤 敏夫教授

Yuri E. Korchev教授

Session2 Computing the structure and dynamics of biological molecules

  • Dynamics of Biological Active Matter at Nanoscales: Theoretical approaches
    Alexander S.Mikhailov教授(Fritz Haber Institute of the Max Planck Society, NanoLSI)
  • Designing molecules and deciphering their biological functions with the aid of computer simulations, dream or reality?
    Mikko Karttunen教授(Western University)

Alexander S.Mikhailov教授

Mikko Karttunen教授

Session3  Dynamic Nanomachines and Nanomedicine

  • Growth Factor Signaling: Dynamics, Cancer, and Drug Discovery
    松本 邦夫教授(NanoLSI)
  • Structures and dynamics of macromolecular motors revealed by electron cryomicroscopy and optical nanophotometry
    難波 啓一教授(大阪大学)
  • Spatiotemporal dynamics of the nuclear nanomachine – the nuclear pore complex
    Richard W. Wong教授(NanoLSI)

松本 邦夫教授

難波 啓一教授

Richard W. Wong教授

Session4  New aspects of supramolecular chemistry

  • Pillar[n]arenes:From simple molecular receptors to bulk supramolecular assemblies
    生越 友樹教授(NanoLSI)
  • Anion recognition: Capture, release, and selectivity in synthetic receptors
    Amar H. Flood教授(Indiana University)
  • Supramolecular Chemistry with Macrocycles
    Mark J. MacLachlan教授(University of British Columbia, NanoLSI)

生越 友樹教授

Amar H. Flood教授

Mark J. MacLachlan教授