
Posted:Apr 22, 2019 Event

The 48th NanoLSI Open Seminar “Development of vascular microenvironment 3D-device and its application to life science research”

On April 12 (Friday), an Open Seminar by Nano-Life Science Institute (Nano-LSI) and Cancer Research Institute took place at the Meeting room on the 4F, the Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University.

Dr. Yukiko Matsunaga, Associate Professor of Matsunaga Lab., Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo gave a lecture entitled “Development of vascular microenvironment 3D-device and its application to life science research.”

In the seminar, Dr. Matsunaga introduced the device development of angiogenesis (new blood vessels) which are reproduced Three-dimensionally, and her latest research results on “Visualization of disease” in which blood vessels are involved using a device that recapitulates vascular microenvironment. She also introduced about the possibility of its application to drugs using this device.

Over 20 faculty members and graduate students of KU CRI as well as other institutions participated in the seminar and discussed a lot about her exciting presentation. It was a very informative seminar for all participants.