
Posted:Mar 29, 2019 Event

The 46th NanoLSI Open Seminar “Structural biology of structure-recognized antibodies and its application to drug development”

On March 20 (Wednesday), an Open Seminar by Nano-Life Science Institute (Nano-LSI) and Cancer Research Institute took place at the Meeting room on the 4F, the Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University.

Dr. So Iwata, Professor of Department of Medical Chemistry and Cell Biology, Kyoto University Graduate School of Medicine gave a lecture entitled “Structural biology of structure-recognized antibodies and its application to drug development.”

In the seminar, Prof. Iwata introduced his latest research results about the functional antibodies such as agonists and inverse agonists against G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), and the application of antibodies against cancer cell-specific membrane proteins to antibody drugs.

Over 20 faculty members and graduate students of KU CRI as well as other institutions participated in the seminar and discussed a lot about presentation. It was a very informative seminar for all participants.