
Posted:Oct 29, 2018 News

EURAXESS Japan Tour 2018 @ NanoLSI

The EURAXESS Japan Tour seminars will provide in half a day a complete overview of opportunities for research cooperation and mobility projects between Japan and Europe, with a particular focus on funding schemes within the EU’s flagship research and innovation Framework Programme, Horizon 2020.

Registration compulsory, especially for individual grant consultation:

Date: 9 November, 14:00 – 16:30 (individual consultations from 16:30 to 18:00 upon pre-registration)

Venue: Kanazawa University, Kakuma Campus, Natural Science Lecture Hall

Language: Japanese (slides in English; individual consultations also available in English)



14:00 – 14:20 Welcome address & overview of international research projects and mobility with Europe at Kanazawa University
Prof.Chisato Mukai (Vice-President and Trustee, Kanazawa University)

14:20 – 14:35 The importance of internationalisation for Japanese research institutions, research teams, and individuals
Dr. Matthieu Py (EURAXESS Japan)

What, How & When? EU’s flagship funding program Horizon 2020 and beyond: ramp up your career and projects through Europe-Japan cooperation and mobility

14:35 – 14:55 Introduction to Horizon 2020
(NCP Japan & EURAXESS Japan)

14:55 – 15:20 Horizon 2020 from the Japanese perspective, focus on MSCA RISE and possible matching funds
Mr. Naomichi Yamada (NCP Japan)

15:20 – 16:00 Europe’s programs for young & individual researchers and EURAXESS services for Japan
Dr. Matthieu Py (EURAXESS Japan)

16:00 – 16:20 Experience feedback from a Kanazawa University researcher cooperating with European insitutions
Prof. Hiroyuki Ohno (Information Media Center)

16:25 Closure

16:30 – 18:00 Individual consultations with pre-registered researchers