The 4th International Symposium on Center of Excellence for Innovative Material Sciences Based on Supramolecules
On October 18, 2018, Nano Life Science Institute (NanoLSI) co-hosted the 4th International Symposium on Center of Excellence for Innovative Material Sciences Based on Supramolecules at the Kanazawa Theatre (Kanazawa Kagekiza).
Kanazawa University researchers who aims to develop innovative functional solid materials by supramolecules held this symposium for the purpose of forming the center of excellence for the research. Researchers from inside and outside of Japan gathered to share research findings and conduct active discussions.
From NanoLSI, Prof. Mark J. MacLachlan and Prof. Katsuhiro Maeda gave lectures. 220 participants including faculty members and students attended the symposium, and had lively Q&A discussions.

Prof. Mark J. MacLachlan

Prof. Katsuhiro Maeda