Posted:Sep 29, 2021 News
The third session of Kanazawa University 2018 Open Lecture Series featuring NanoLSI
On October 21, Kanazawa University 2018 Open Lecture Series, “Pioneering Unexplored Nanoscale Realms: Nano Life Science Institute, Kanazawa University” was held at Kanazawa University Satellite Plaza.
Prof. Masanobu Oshima from WPI-NanoLSI, gave a lecture titled “Visualizing Cancer Cells by Microscopy”. He introduced from a history of canser research over the past 150 years to most recent findings, as well as an ongoing project to visualize cancer cells by atomic force microscopy. Over 40 participants listened attentively to the lecture, which was followed by a lively Q&A session.

Prof. Masanobu Oshima (WPI-NanoLSI)