
Posted:Mar 25, 2021 Event

27th Luncheon Meeting was held online on March 25

This time, Dr. Neval Yilmaz, who joined the NanoLSI in January, was the speaker. Dr. Kunio Matsumoto supported Dr. Neval as the chairperson.

Dr. Neval came from the Aegean region on the west coast of Turkey, where there are many beautiful islands and ancient ruins. After obtaining a master’s degree from Ege University in western Turkey, she came to Japan and obtained a doctoral degree in chemical engineering from Tohoku University. She has continued her research at research institutes in Nagasaki and Saitama, and especially at RIKEN, where she conducted research using AFM. Many questions were asked in the Q&A session that followed.

Dr. Neval has only been at NanoLSI for a short time, but we hope that this luncheon webinar will be a good opportunity for her to start new collaborative and transdisciplinary research.

The next meeting will be held online on Thursday, April 22, and will feature Dr. Damien Hall.

Speaker Dr. Neval Yilmaz

Chair Dr. Kunio Matsumoto松本邦夫先生

Location of Western Turkey (left), places where lived (right)