
Posted:Apr 22, 2021 Event

28th Luncheon Meeting was held online on April 22

On this day, the first luncheon meeting of FY2021 was held online. The presenter this time was Dr. Damien Hall of the Foster Group, Computational Science, and Dr. Hideki Ikemoto supported him as the chairperson.

In the meeting, Dr. Damien talked in detail about his career in the UK, Australia, and the US, also in Japan, and his future research activities at NanoLSI.
After the presentation, the audience and the chairperson, Dr. Ikemoto, asked questions, making for a lively Q&A session.

The next luncheon meeting will be held online on Thursday, May 27. Thank you, Dr. Damien and Dr. Ikemoto!

Dr. Damien giving his talk.

Dr. Damien (left) and Dr. Ikemoto (right)

Dr. Damien was born in Australia and has been moving back and forth between the UK and Australia until he grew up.