The 19th NanoLSI Colloquium was held.
We held the 19th NanoLSI Colloquium on Thursday, January 11, 2024.
Prof. Masafumi Iwami, Administrative Director of the WPI-NanoLSI talked about the damage caused by the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake that occurred on January 1, including the University’s research facilities. The participants of the colloquium joined in a moment of silence to mourn the victims.
This colloquium was chaired by Prof. Kunio Matsumoto, and Prof. Mikihiro Shibata, Prof. Adam S. Foster and Prof. Shigehisa Akine presented their latest research results. There were about 75 participants attended, including online participation.
Each of the speakers’ presentations was received many questions, and the discussion was lively.

Chair : Prof. Kunio Matsumoto

Speaker : Prof. Mikihiro Shibata

Speaker : Prof. Adam S. Foster and Questions by Asst. Prof. Kenichi Umeda

Speaker : Prof. Shigehisa Akine

After the colloquium, participants enjoyed chatting over snacks and pizza.