NanoBioCoM2023 held in Quy Nhon, Vietnam, Sept. 17-19, 2023
On September 17-19, 2023, Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) held the 1st International Symposium of Nano Life Science: Nano Biotechnology, Biosensor, Computation (NanoBioCoM2023) at the International Center for Science and Interdisciplinary Education (ICISE) in Quy Nhon, Vietnam.
This symposium was co-hosted by WPI-NanoLSI, Rencontres du Vietnam, Nong Lam University, and other organizations, and was held under the WPI-NanoLSI philosophy of “Pioneering unexplored nanoscale realms left inside and outside the cell to understand the mechanisms of life phenomena at the nano-level,” and was intended to provide an opportunity to discuss cutting-edge technologies and fundamental knowledge to solve life science problems.
The symposium was the first large-scale research gathering held by WPI-NanoLSI in the ASEAN region and was attended by over 100 participants from 15 countries around the world, who engaged in a lively exchange of ideas after each presentation.
A total of 20 researchers and students from the four divisions of Nanometrology, Life Science, Supramolecular Chemistry, and Computational Science from WPI-NanoLSI joined the symposium, giving invited talks and poster presentations. In addition, Toshie Fukuda, a specialist in the International Affairs Division, who has been assigned to the JSPS Bangkok Research Liaison Center for two years starting this April, made opening remarks and explained the WPI project from the standpoint of the supporting organization.

Participants from WPI-NanoLSI with Toshie Fukuda from JSPS Bangkok Center.