Call for poster presentation at the 6th NanoLSI Symposium
Students and young researchers attending the symposium are encouraged to present posters. Posters will be displayed throughout the meeting, and poster sessions will be held during lunch on the first and second days. Posters presenting recent or ongoing research on topics such as those related to the symposium’s theme, Nanoprobe Technology for Understanding Molecular Systems, are welcome.
If you wish to present a poster, please fill in the required information in the registration form at
The deadline for registration is Friday, 21 October 2022. —> Extended to Monday, 31 October!
Abstracts for posters will be accepted in a separate form at
The deadline for abstract submission is Monday, 7 November 2022.
Layout and Format

Each poster presenter will be provided with a 1,000 mm (width) x 2,100 mm (height) poster board (poster dimension according to A0 format) and a sufficient number of push-pins. The board will be labelled with the preassigned poster number. Posters should be vertical and no larger than 900 mm x 1,500 mm (width x height).
Presenters are responsible for posting their materials on poster boards before lunch break on the first day of the symposium, Monday, 14 November 2022, at the latest. It will be possible to post material from 8 am on the morning of the first day.
If you are not to attend the symposium before lunch on the first day, you may send your poster to the secretariat by regular mail by 10 November 2022. Posters shall be sent to:
The 6th NanoLSI Symposium Secretariat,
NanoLSI Administration Office
Nano Life Science Institute
Kanazawa University
Kakuma-machi, Kanazawa 920-1192, Japan
Phone: +81-76-234-4555
Please note that postage costs are to be paid by the presenter.
All posters are to remain posted during the entire symposium. NanoLSI is not responsible for material left after the symposium. Posters left will thus be disposed of.
We hope that many of you will participate.