NanoLSI Open Seminar will be held on November 26!!
NanoLSI Open Seminar will be held on Friday, November 26, 2021 at 13:00-13:50.
Dr. Ivan I. Smalyukh, Department of Physics & Materials Science and Engineering Program, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA, will talk on “Liquid crystal at work: from saving energy with transparent aerogels to crystals of adaptive knots”.
The abstract you will find in the attached flyer.

On-site venue is Workshop 2, Natural Science Main Hall (1F).
Everyone is welcome to attend to this seminar.
Registration is open until Wednesday, Nov. 24 via the Google form below. Once accepted, those who have registered for online participation will receive the Zoom information to their registered email by Nov. 24. If you do not receive an email by 10am on Nov. 25, please email
For on-site participation, we ask for your cooperation in preventing the spread of the new coronavirus by taking your temperature and sterilizing your hands before entering the room. Besides, we may ask you to switch to online participation depending on the status of the infection. Thank you for your understanding.
Google Form
We look forward to seeing you there!
For further information, please contact below
Takeshi Fukuma, Professor
Yuki Kunioka, Assistant Professor, NanoLSI
Phone: 076-234-4574