NanoLSI Open Seminar will be held on Nov. 12, 2021 entitled “Unraveling mesoscopic organization of the plasma membrane by ultrafast single fluorescent-molecule tracking and localization microscopy”
We would like to inform that NanoLSI Open Seminar will be held on November 12, 2021.
To all NanoLSI members in Kakuma Campus, please come and join the seminar onsite.
The details are as follows:

Unraveling mesoscopic organization of the plasma membrane by ultrafast single fluorescent-molecule tracking and localization microscopy
Speaker(s): Dr. Takahiro Fujiwara, Associate Professor, Bioanalysis Unit, Analysis Center, WPI-iCeMS, KUIAS, Kyoto University
Friday, November 12, 2021
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm
Onsite: NanoLSI Main Conference Room (4F)*
* To all NanoLSI members in Kakuma Campus, please come and join the seminar onsite.
Online: Zoom**
** For participants from other faculty, campus, and outside of the Institute.
Registration: Pre-registration is required. Zoom information will be sent to the registered mail by November 10.
We hope you will join us!
For further information, please contact below:
Takehiko Ichikawa, Assistant Professor, Nanometrology, NanoLSI
Email: tichikawa[at]
Phone: 076-234-4564