
Posted:Jun 13, 2019 Event

3rd NanoLSI Symposium at UBC in Vancouver – Supramolecular Chemistry and Nanoprobes in Life Sciences will be held

The Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) of Kanazawa University, Japan aims to acquire a fundamental understanding of various life phenomena, such as development, disease and aging through transdisciplinary research of Nanometrology, Life Science, Supramolecular Chemistry and Computational Science.

Following the 2nd symposium held in London in November 2018, NanoLSI will hold the 3rd symposium in Vancouver to enhance the collaborative relationship with the University of British Columbia (UBC) as well as to initiate collaborations with researchers in North America.

We sincerely look forward to seeing you at this symposium.

*Flyer can be downloaded from here. (1.2MB)

*The Book of Abstracts can be downloaded from here. (4MB)

■Date:August 8 (Thu), 2019

■Venue:Chemistry (CHEM) – D300, The University of British Columbia (UBC)
2036 Main Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, Canada


■Registration:Registration Form [Registration Deadline: July 26]
*Registration is required in order to attend the Symposium via our Registration Form.
As for application after July 26, please contact the address below with your name and affiliation.
E-mail: nanolsi-office[at]
([at] should be replaced by @)

■Fee:Free of charge to attend the symposium, but CAD 70 is required to attend the banquet.
Please pay by cash at the reception desk. We cannot accept credit cards.


8:30 Registration

9:00 Opening remarks

9:10 Takeshi Fukuma (NanoLSI)
Visualizing Subnanometer Structures at Nanobio-Interfaces by 2D & 3D-AFM

9:30 Sarah Burke (The University of British Columbia, Canada)
Chemistry atom-by-atom: Probing reactivity of surface-bound metal-terpyridine sites by STM and AFM

10:00 Noriyuki Kodera (NanoLSI)
Video imaging of bio-molecule in action by high-speed atomic force microscopy

10:20 Break

10:35 Yasufumi Takahashi (NanoLSI)
Live cell functional imaging using scanning probe microscopy

10:55 Hitoshi Asakawa (NanoLSI)
Molecular-scale distribution and dynamics of host-guest complexes investigated by FM-AFM and HS-AFM

11:15 Shigehisa Akine (NanoLSI)
Design of new host molecules with open/close functions

11:35 Ramesh Jasti (University of Oregon, USA)
Carbon Nanohoops as New Biological Imaging Tools

12:05 Photo session

12:10 Lunch break *Places to eat

1:30 Satoshi Arai (NanoLSI)
Visualization and Control of Cellular Activities by Thermodynamic Engineering

1:50 Russ Algar (The University of British Columbia, Canada)
Not Everybody Dyes: Leveraging Quantum Dots and Other Luminescent Nanomaterials for New Opportunities in Bioanalysis

2:20 David Perrin (The University of British Columbia, Canada)
One-step 18F-labeling for PET Oncology

2:50 Break

3:05 Ratmir Derda (University of Alberta, Canada)
Genetically-Encoded Technologies for Discovery of Instructive Biomaterials

3:35 Amy Blum (McGill University, Canada)
Plasmonics with Viruses

4:05 Kunio Matsumoto (NanoLSI)
Macrocyclic Peptides Targeting HGF-MET

4:25 Break

4:40 Satoru Okuda (NanoLSI)
Versatile modeling of three-dimensional multi-cellular dynamics: in-silico and in-vitro combined approach to self-organizing morphogenesis

5:00 Satoshi Toda (NanoLSI)
Synthetic tissue formation: Programming multicellular self-organization

5:20 Wendell Lim (The University of California, San Francisco, USA)
Learning to program cellular machines

5:50 Closing remarks

6:30 Banquet at The Gallery Patio & Lounge (Level 4 in AMS Student Nest)


  • All participants are kindly requested to make their own travel, accommodation, visa, and related arrangements.
  • Please note that photographs will be taken throughout this event. These will be used by NanoLSI for marketing and publicity in our publications, on our website and in social media or in any third party publication. Please contact the event organiser if you have any concerns or if you wish to be exempted from this activity.


Organized by Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI), Kanazawa University
Co-Organized by The University of British Columbia (UBC)
Cancer Research Institute of Kanazawa University
Institute for Frontier Science Initiative of Kanazawa University
Supported by Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) San Francisco Office


■Programme committee

Shigehisa Akine (NanoLSI) *Chair
Mark MacLachlan (UBC) *Co-Chair
Atsushi Hirao (NanoLSI)
Rikinari Hanayama (NanoLSI)
Noriyuki Kodera (NanoLSI)
Hitoshi Asakawa (NanoLSI)

E-mail: nanolsi-office[at]
* [at] should be replaced by @

■Related information

The 2nd NanoLSI symposium in London