
Posted:Feb 27, 2019 Event

The 40th NanoLSI Open Seminar “Metabolism of Cellular Senescence and “Senolysis””

On February 15 (Friday), an Open Seminar by Nano-Life Science Institute (NanoLSI) and Cancer Research Institute took place at the Meeting room on the 4F, the Cancer Research Institute, Kanazawa University.

Prof. Makoto Nakanishi from Division of Cancer Cell Biology, The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo gave us a seminar on “Metabolism of Cellular Senescence and “Senolysis.” In the seminar, Prof. Nakanishi introduced his latest research results about the establishment of a new concept based on the background of the research on the senescent-cell and with its molecular-biological knowledge.

At the seminar, 50 participants including KU CRI members as well as faculty members from other institutions and graduate students had lively Q&A sessions and discussion. It was a very meaningful seminar for all participants.